
B is for Barfing

I'm throwing up right now just composing this list.  

1.) Dogs Pooping

2.) Inspirational posters, particularly those that have animals on them

3.) Warm milk- I hate milk as it is, but I am talking about milk that sits out, not is intentionally heated up.

4.) Emoticons 

5.) Unflushed toilets- particularly in public places

6.) Wet cat food

7.) Mop water

8.) Jing's cooking, particularly when it is with anise or any meat that has been left out over night

9.) Back sweat

1 comment:

  1. This list is good.
    My list of barf things goes as follows:

    Acrylic Nails (especially french tip)

    Stickers (like especially an old sticker that's gotten dirty around the edges. And dirty stickers that have been on the floor that have accumulated pieces of hair)

    Bananas and the smell of bananas

    When people lick the yogurt lid

    Wet socks

    Scratch n' Sniff stuff is disgusting somehow

    The overpowering scent of antibacterial hand gel, and women with acrylic nails using it

    I like this blog of yours.
