The year is waning, which means it is time to confront my regrets of '09 and hope to jeezus that I don't have anymore before the end of the oo's and the beginning of the 20teens.
Here they are, or as many as I can remember- and for those of you who say you have no regrets, you lie:
-Working for Garden City Group.
-Working for Safeway.
-Working for Beecher's Handmade Cheese.
-Taking that job with the Switch program that never actually was a real job, and thus, losing my job at Beecher's.
-Making out with various cheese maker's who also worked at Beecher's.
-Making out with various cheese maker's who also worked at Beecher's.
-Developing unrealistic expectations for males in their 20's.
-Letting Joe watch movies with Mallory and I late at night in my room when he smelled like smoke, subsequently making my whole room smell like smoke.
-Making the Molly Ringwald disgusted face from Sixteen Candles whenever a cute boy would approach me.
-Not asking enough questions when the timing was appropriate.
-Not getting one.
-Cutting off that police officer and then getting pulled over. However, I do NOT regret not getting a ticket.
-General plotting/scheming.
-Acquiring additional parking tickets.
-Knocking over the tip jar at Cupcake Royal after Moe Bar happy hour.
-Not sending that "card" to my arch nemesis. (Which I still may have regretted if I would have followed through with it).
-Not picking up that $100 bill off of the ground before Mallory's friend snatched it up.
-Spending cash on frivolities like lattes instead of drip coffee.
-Over drawing my bank account multiple times. Some on purpose.
-Letting my student loans lapse.
-Paying to watch a movie at Pacific place when I should have just used my free ticket.
-Not tipping as much/often as I should.
-Spilling coffee on my computer.
-Using technology to inappropriately, well, let's call a rose a rose, "stalk" people via facebook, twitter, myspace, and what have you. You do it too!
-Watching too many movies in bed.
-Sporcle-ing... a lot.
-Texting people when/who I shouldn't have been texting.
-Giving in to twitter.
-Using Craig's List to try and find roommates, jobs, furniture, well, anything actually.
-Plaid overkill.
-Wearing through too many pairs of leggings.
-Wearing through my red belt.
-Breaking my black heals.
-Buying that white dress that I never wore.
-That shiny dress that matched Mallory's that we wore to karaoke one time.
-Wearing through my cream colored cardigan.
-Sometimes not changing my clothes for a day or so.
Et cetera:
-Spending the holidays alone due to poor weather.
-Not visiting my mom more when she lived closer.
-Losing at Settler's of Catan on numerous occasions.
-Eating expired food.
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