Halloween is my favorite of favorite holidays. Ever. Period. So I had to write a blog for the day! Happy Halloween! Treats are for good kids. Tricks are for hookers.
With that said, here is a list of things I wanted to be fore Halloween this year, but alas, could only be one and settled on and made my raccoon costume over a month ago. And that's really the conundrum- do you make your costume in advance and not have to worry about it, or do you wait it out and decide, for certain, that is what you want to be? I chose the former this year, and it worked out. I like my costume, as it is both cute and scary (because raccoons are the meanest things ever), but other ideas came later. Oh well, maybe next year.
Elliot and ET

I already have the E.T. mask that I made a few years ago and a red hoodie. I would hope my costume would look something like the one above. I just need a basket and handlebars.
Mr. Rogers

Seeing as I am, more or less, an old man anyway, I think I could pull this off.
Ms. Montana

This would require me to reuse my Montana costume, but I would want a crown and a sash as well.
Veruca Salt

As you should know,
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is my favorite movie, and I think I am
just bratty enough to pull of Veruca.
Doug Funny

I'm not bald, but I think
someone needs to go as Doug, so why not me? Also, this costume made me realize I want to dress up like a boy in many of these ideas. Whatever. Don't judge.
A Price is Right Contestant

Hey, if I can't do it in real life...
TV News Anchor

Only, I'd be wearing a cardboard TV and speaking from inside it- obnoxiously reporting the "happenings" of the night.
That was my short list. I am sure there are others that I am forgetting. So, on one final
spooooookey note: Remember kiddens- SLUT is
not a costume. It's a way of life.
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