It has been brought to my attention that it is
not okay to wear fur. That is to say, it is not okay for me, as an almost 24 year old female to wear fur, vegetarian or not. However, I have been doing some thinking and it seems to me that there still are several people who seem to avoid being reprimanded for their animal pelt lust. This just is not fair to me. The list below are some of those people:
Mountain Men

We don't even have a modern need for mountain men. There is no supply and demand for trading in the high mountain passes. But still, we see these mountain men (and no, I am not talking about poachers, that is something a bit different), and let them slide with wearing a plethora of animal furs and carcases as, mangled together, not only coats, but hats, mittens, boots, fuck- probably even underroos. For them, it is simply a lifestyle choice. So why can't I have the same choice, only more fashionable?
Old Spinsters

Should it be okay just because their furs came from the Depression Era? Is it wrong to throw red paint on elderly, often times senile women? Apparently so. The social fur-wearing playing field needs to be leveled. Consider this a warning.

I realize this is a cultural and survival thing, but seriously, I never hear about Inuit populations being egged by PETA.
Christmas Carolers

It is almost iconic to see carolers with fur muffs or even hats. Seeing as this trend is in association with Christmas, most people pass it off in the name of good cheer and seasonal tidings. It's not fair. Year round fur for all!

Yes, I understand it is freezing beyond anything I could possibly imagine in Russia, but seriously, it is as though even the Russian homeless population is decked out in animal hats, coats, and mittens.
Santa Claus

His is the most cosmetic out of them all. Why does he have a ball of fur at the end of his hat? It serves no purpose other than pure fashion, along with the rest of his fur trimmings (provided we are talking about an authentic Santa Claus and not a mall one). And seeing as his look is derived from the northern hemisphere regions, you know it is probably made from Arctic Fox or Arctic Rabbit or Polar Bear- all endangered. What an asshole!
It's simply not fair. These folks get to romp around wearing dead animals with pride and sometimes even respect, but I am not allowed to- even though my animals are purchased used. The way I see it, I already don't eat animals, so let me have some part in their consumption frenzy. At least it is a natural fiber, unlike many of the synthetics that, due to their questionable production, will probably kill the animal that I am wearing anyway.