Yes, I can admit that I have made some poor decisions when it came to choosing my own clothes during my early years. Let me recap some of those mistakes for you, in order that makes the most chronological sense:

-Velcro® Troll™ Shoes- OK, it is not my fault that I was once a child. Let's just clear that part up. And along with being a child, comes the addition of velcro® on all sorts of articles of clothing; for baby hands, it just makes life easier. So the velcro is not the upsetting part and must be put aside to focus on the real problem. The troll part, which is what was these shoes a mistake. I can recall them vividly: they were white and pink with an actual removable troll head that attached to the tongue of the shoe as well as an image of a troll on the side of the shoe. What one does with a removable troll head is beyond my comprehension.

-Purple Suede Shoes- Another bad shoe choice, but I loved these ones. They were crushed deep purple suede with a bit of a chunky heal (and by that I mean, as much of a heal as is allowed for a 9 year old) and actual black ribbon for the laces. The image that follows is actually what the shoes looked like.

-JC Penny t-shirts- Well, really, it was one shirt in particular that I recall. It was a white t-shirt with a lady bug with a white shell that was spotted like a soccer ball and bellow that read the words "don't bug me, I'm playing soccer" in purple and black letters. Gross you say? Yes, and let me also explain that I wasn't even playing or interested in playing or even watching soccer at the time. And what is worse? I picked it out myself.
-Tinted sunglasses- I had several pair: green, red, purple and perhaps even yellow- all which were very round and very small... think, oh, Diane Keaton or Elton John, only cheaper versions, as I believe them to have been purchased at our local dollar store.

-Baggy Jeans- In middle school I started wearing, not just flared jeans, but baggy flared jeans. Oh wait, it gets better. I had two pairs of these jeans and both pairs had embroidered cartoon girls on the back pockets. Oh baby, yes. I might also add that one pair was that of a very light wash, the other a medium blue.
-Pants Only- For the majority of my high school career I refused to wear skirts, dresses, or jeans (probably due to the baggy jean fiasco of my middle school naivety). What does this mean? I wore a lot of pants. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, they were mostly dress pants. Whoot whoot. Let me also state for the record that not all of the dress pants I owned and wore were black. Some were grey, some were khakis, and some were forest green. I also think I owned a pair of brown chords. It wasn't until senior year when I actually bought a real pair of jeans- primarily because I was then interested in exploring the converse and jeans look. It was a good cross over.

-Dusters- Most articles of clothing whose ownership ended up being a mistake I have come to realize, were primarily purchased in pairs. My "dusters" where no different. I possessed and regularly wore two- one grey and one black. Modern society questions why would a person even need one. I mean, granted yes, I lived in Montana and that look was stylish back in the late 1800's, though made of different material and cut, but there is and was no excuse for this behavior in the modern world, uncivilized territory or not. And yes, for the record, I wore them OVER my dress pants.

-Cat collars- I used to wear, as bracelets, my cats' collars. I just wanted to be closer to them during sophomore health class... Sometimes I would even wear several at a time, many of which were jewel studded.

-Puffy jackets- I have two in my closet right now: one is shiny purple (pictured bellow) and one is shiny green. Both have furry hoods. I still wear them on occasion, though I know it is a mistake, but cold times call for warm jackets- both serve their part well.

-I am sure my next big regret will be my overuse of bandanas (pictured above), but fugg it, I don't care!
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